Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Using a Different Kind of GPS

Hello friends and family!

This week was busy as usual but I've been trying to recognize the simple miracles in life. We had a pretty amazing experience yesterday. We bought a treat and rolled up a short story ("The Room by Joshua Harris... READ IT!) and were planning on dropping it off at a former investigator's house that night. We located her intersection on our map (we aren't blessed with GPS yet) and made our way over there. At 8:45, after over half an hour of desperately looking for her house we were exhausted, exasperated and just grumpy. It was evident that her house was not on the intersection we thought it was. We stopped, turned off the music, and said a prayer for direction. We tried some new tactics and then decided to call another Sister for help. After some rough possible directions, we tried again and found the house with ease. Heavenly Father is always listening. With His help we were able to deliver the treat to her doorstep and break a previous investigator's silence. We are so grateful for all that we have been given.

(Watch the YouTube video telling the story of "The Room" by Joshua Harris set to music. Beautiful!)

Earlier last week I made banana bread for the zone leaders, and succeeded quite well. I have included a photo of my success ;)

We adventured a lot this week. First Sister Bahtishi got us lost in an industrial park after claiming she knew a different way home from the institute! We drove around for an hour before finding our way back.  Our conservation of km's is going quickly... That is why we have been bussing even more this week. But buses are a great way to meet new people though. We've also found that YSA like to congregate at local sports arenas so we've been finding them there as well! Yesterday in particular we set out to take the bus to visit a member who just moved in to the ward. Unfortunately the buses aren't very reliable and we had a late bus that caused us to miss the following one. Smart old me determined we would be less late by walking than by waiting for the next bus. And so walk we did! For about an hour and a half. I had grossly misjudged the distance. I suppose I paid sister Bahtishi back for getting us lost the day before because we must have walked at least 5 or 6 miles, if not more. It's all in the adventure of it I suppose!

I hit my one month mark on Saturday! It feels so weird. Like I should have hit it a long time ago.

We had a conference with Elder Golden on Thursday and that was amazing. He had us all shake his hand and introduce ourselves beforehand. He is a man with an amazing spirit and his wife is such a
sweetheart! We went to the institute BBQ kickoff and I met a fellow from the cast of "My Latter-Day Life". It's a YouTube show that was created in Edmonton. Zachary Ayers from back home is in it and I had been watching the show for months before I even got my call! Speaking of Zach, I ran into him at the YSA world wide devotional (which was also really great). It was strange to run into someone from home, but kind of neat. Brother Nelson (our Kitchener stake clerk) was also visiting his parents with his wife and baby girl this week, so it was neat to see them at church on Sunday.

We told some Elders that we could see them being characters from Toy Story (Ham and Buzz). And they responded by saying that Sister Bahtishi would be Mrs. Potato Head. And I would be Mike Wisowski's crazy girlfriend from Monsters Inc. Do I seem like a crazy girlfriend to you?! Hahaha it was quite funny though. :)

That's really it for my week I think. Sorry I don't have many pictures but, yeah.

Love you all lots.

Sister Baker.

Also. It rained a ton!
Andddd Londonderry sisters sticky attached our mirror.

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